Where does our data come from?

DataSage Solutions has access to an extensive collection of proprietary resources (information that is not freely available on the Internet). Your report may call for data from the Nielsen company, one of the most respected providers of reliable information in business. Additional data is found via databases such as Statista, another world leader in providing proprietary statistics, marketing and industry studies both in the United States and globally. Additional insight for your report may pull from academic and trade articles, as well as government resources as appropriate.

What tools do you provide your clients to understand and effectively use analytics?

After carefully running the reports, the numbers are checked for any discrepancies to ensure the data was correctly collected. Our first priority is to make sure we understand the story the data is telling and to verify it by comparing it to other sources. We then interpret the raw data into a narrative that explains exactly what the numbers mean. Our clients must understand the context of the data. We make sure that the reports to you are clear, accurate, and specific. The final step is to explore the meaning of the data as it relates to your needs. We often offer a number of options of how you can use the data to grow your business or customer reach.

How do I figure out what type of analysis I need?

DataSage Solutions outlines 5 specific types of analysis available: Exploratory, Descriptive, Prescriptive, Environmental, and Industry. Often, our reports span across those categories depending on what questions our clients need to be answered. The good news is that you don’t have to figure this out – just tell us your goals. What do you hope to accomplish? What aspect of your business do you want to improve? We will work with you to determine exactly the best analysis to fit your goals.

What industries do you focus on?

Our services can be applied to practically any industry or business type.

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